Greg Halpern is the creator of Formula 4 Protocol, the renowned self-mastery and meditation course that people are calling “the best thing you'll ever get in your life.”
Mentored by Earl Nightingale, Zig Ziglar, and W. Clement Stone, his diverse life path has brought him around the world helping leaders and visionaries achieve health mastery, spiritual fulfillment, and massive success in life and business.
Gregory Halpern is an American photographer and teacher.
Greg is also the Founder of MAXD.
For 45 years, Greg has been a top advocate in America for Small Business, the Great American Dream, and emerging small cap ventures resulting in Billions of dollars in commerce and nearly a billion in ROI.
National public company
leadership award
Hector baretto - 2002 the small business administration, SBA, Director, presents Greg's award before meeting with the president at the White House about small business legislation
2004 Greg helps Steve Forbes with efforts to make political changes
George Foreman 2005 working on heart health program with Z trim .
William Shatner, 2009 stars in social media commercial for Greg
AL GORE 2000 - Greg works on young future leadership project
General Wesley Clark 2000 for promoting new antiterrorist Technologies licensed by circle group
Larry king 2003 heart health program with Z trim at Larry's home for lunch
Priscilla Presley, 2014 at MAXD studio in Santa Monica to discuss turning Elvis's collection into a new high definition release
Neil Cavuto, 2004 FOXBusiness Greg talks about the launch of z-trim
CNN 1998 on capital ideas with Jan Hopkins and Lou Dobbs talking about $3 million raised in a week creating crowdfunding
At Pitbull's hideout in Miami before endorsing MAXD hi definition audio
Mark Wahlberg - 2016 Super Bowl PArty at Matt Williams Home promoting Child Welfare
Bryce Harper - 2016 Super Bowl PArty at Matt Williams Home promoting Child Welfare
Congresswoman Sue Kelly - 2001
testifying before the house and oversight, subcommittee on finance and investigations for small business initiative
Stedman Graham 2005 promoting diversity issues in Chicago
Mick Fleetwood, 2014 MAXD studio Santa Monica. Mikki is endorsing high definition that he says restored is Faith in the future of audio.